General Company Information
- Company Name: VIBRA Inc
- Phone Number: 7872837500
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Company Email:
- Point of Contact: Jesus Manuel Laboy
- Title: Vice President
- Phone Number: 7874073700
- Email:
Company Details
- Since 1994, VIBRA has provided companies, large and small, with the knowledge and technical expertise necessary to achieve higher levels of reliability. Our services include Predictive Maintenance, Asset Condition Monitoring, Reliability Engineering and Word Class Maintenance Execution.
- Years of Experience: 21-30 years
- Company Start Date: 1994-06-01
- Number of employees: 11-50
- Type of Ownership: Locally Owned
- Registered as Federal Contractor: Yes
- Area of Service: Islandwide
- Business Certifications: 8(a) Business Development, SBA, GSA Schedule, PR Minority Supplier Development Council, Self-Certified Small Business, SAM, Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)
- Other Certifications: ISO 9001:2015