General Company Information
- Company Name: EDL Construction LLC
- Phone Number: 7876855977
- Facebook:
- Company Email:
- Point of Contact: Edwin De Leon Sustache
- Title: Presidente
- Phone Number: 7876855977
- Email:
Company Details
- EDL Construction LLC es una compania netamente puertorriquena con sede en Humacao, PR. Tiene multiplicidad de servicios para el hogar y comercial, remodelaciones, construcción general, instalación de losas, sellado de techos, mantenimiento de jardinería, y mas.
- Years of Experience: 3-5 years
- Company Start Date: 2021-12-06
- Number of employees: 1-10
- Type of Ownership: Locally Owned
- Registered as Federal Contractor: Yes
- Area of Service: Metro, East, South
- Business Certifications: Self-Certified Small Business, SAM