General Company Information
- Company Name: EJJ industrial construction llc
- Phone Number: 939 270 8967
- Company Email:
- Point of Contact: Angel j ramos
- Title: Operation manager
- Phone Number: 9392708967
- Email:
Company Details
- General contractors
- Years of Experience: 1-2 years
- Company Start Date: 2019-09-02
- Number of employees: 1-10
- Type of Ownership: Foreign Controlled incorporated in Puerto Rico
- Registered as Federal Contractor: Yes
- Area of Service: Islandwide, Metro, North, East, Center, South, West
- Annual Revenue: 0-$700K
- Bonding Capacity: 0-$700K
- Business Certifications: 8(a) Business Development, SBA, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), NMSDC
Additional Comments
Profesional business